From today to Sunday (5 - 9 October 2022) Regione Molise, partner of the project FOOD4HEALTH, granted by the Programme Interreg IPA CBC Italy-Albania-Montenegro participate with the Awareness Campaign "Food quality, consumer health and food safety" in the Fair of Agriculture of Larino (CB - Italy). Molise Region is participating with an informative stand of the project for spreading, as much as possible, information about the values followed by FOOD4HEALTH such as the internalization of the SMEs, the valorization of the local and typical agricultural products, health. On Friday 7 in the morning, it will be held a thematic seminar with speakers coming from the local territory but also from the other partner organizations, specifically Apulia Region - Coordination Special Structure Health Marketplace and CIHEAM Bari - Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari.
05 October 2022
In Molise, the F4H Awareness campaign is part of the Fair of Agriculture of Larino (CB)