09 March 2023
Italian Institutional Table and capacity building session in Campobasso

Today, in the morning, the partner Molise Region organized, along with Regione Puglia, the Institutional Table for discussing the Cross-Border Policy Paper on quality food and consumer health and, in the afternoon, public officers of the 2 Regions participated in the related capacity building session. The 2 days of works will continue tomorrow with the launch of Food4Health Project Community Virtual Lab of Molise Region at 11:00, in the premises of the ARSARP in Campobasso. The events have involved the Ministria e Bujqësisë dhe Zhvillimit Rural, CIHEAMBari, QTTB Korce, Qendra e Transferimit të Teknologjive Bujqësore Vlorë and @Ministarstvo poljoprivrede i ruralnog razvoja (Montenegro) and Univerzitet Crne Gore - Institut Za Biologiju Mora/ Institute of Marine Biology (Montenegro).