The partnership of the project FOOD4HEALTH, granted by Interreg IPA CBC Italy-Albania-Montenegro Programme is holding a 2 days events in Albania and Montenegro. Today, the Lead Partner Ministria e Bujqësisë dhe Zhvillimit Rural (Albania) along with the other partners, Qendra e Transferimit të Teknologjisë Bujqësore në Korçë, QTTB Korce (Albania), Qendra e Transferimit të Teknologjive Bujësore Vlorë (Albania), Puglia Region, CIHEAM Bari (Italy), Molise Region (Italy), Ministarstvo poljoprivrede i ruralnog razvoja (Montenegro) and Univerzitet Crne Gore - Institut za biologiju mora/Institute of Marine Biology (Montenegro) attended a Consortium Meeting in Tirana at the premises of the Lead Partner. Tomorrow, in the premises of the University of Montenegro - Institute of Marine and Biology, there will be the on the site visit to the building ‘’Community lab in Kotor’’.
23 February 2022
FOOD4HEALTH Consortium Meeting in Tirana (Albania) and on the spot visit in Kotor (Montenegro)