Today, in the morning, the partner Molise Region organized, along with Regione Puglia, the Institutional Table for discussing the Cross-Border Policy Paper on quality food and consumer health and, in the afternoon, public officers of the 2 Regions participated in the related capacity building session. The 2 days of works will continue tomorrow with the launch of Food4Health Project Community Virtual Lab of Molise Region at 11:00, in the premises of the ARSARP in Campobasso. The events have involved the Ministria e Bujqësisë dhe Zhvillimit Rural, CIHEAMBari, QTTB Korce, Qendra e Transferimit të Teknologjive Bujqësore Vlorë and @Ministarstvo poljoprivrede i ruralnog razvoja (Montenegro) and Univerzitet Crne Gore - Institut Za Biologiju Mora/ Institute of Marine Biology (Montenegro).
09 March 2023
Italian Institutional Table and capacity building session in Campobasso