In the framework of Food4Health Project, granted by Interreg IPA CBC Italy-Albania-Montenegro, CIHEAMBari is holding the opening ceremony of the ‘DIGITAL SKILLS’ international advanced training course at CIHEAM’s office in Tricase. A joint initiative between the Italian Institute of CIHEAM, Puglia Region, Puglia IT District and DiTech Technological District, in the framework of the Food4Health project, funded by the Interreg IPA CBC Italy-Albania-Montenegro Programme, led by the Albanian Ministry of Agriculture. The speaker line-up included Maurizio Raeli, director of CIHEAM Bari, Alessandro Delli Noci and Sebastiano Leo, councillor for economic development and councillor for training and labour policies of Puglia Region, respectively, Antonio De Donno, mayor of Tricase, Salvatore Latronico, president of Puglia Information Technology Production District, Angelo Corallo, president of DiTech and Damiano Petruzzella from CIHEAM Bari.
This initiative seeks to be a model for launching Puglia as an international HUB on digital training applied to the green and blue economy and other priority sectors for the region and the countries in which CIHEAM Bari is active.
Among more than 100 applications received, 30 young graduates from different fields (Economics, IT, Agrifood) were selected: 19 from Albania, 2 from Montenegro and 9 from Puglia and Molise.
An important operational partnership with 20 Italian and Albanian companies joining the initiative and that will provide their support by hosting the young trainees to carry out a project work aiming to design innovative solutions based on their specific business needs.
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