In framework of the project FOOD4HEALTH, the partner Regione Puglia, Struttura Speciale di Coordinamento HealthMarketPlace, managed by Dr. Felice Ungaro, is ensuring the update of the FOOD4HEALTH Platform, thanks to the contributions coming from the partners: Ministria e Bujqèsisb dhe Zhvillimit Rural (Albania), Qendra e Transferimit te Teknologjìsè Bujqèsore Korce (Albania), Qendra e Transferimit tè Teknologjive Bujésore Vlorè (Albania), CIHEAM Bari (Italy), Regione Molise (Italy), Ministarstvo poljoprivrede i ruralnog razvoja (Montenegro) and Univerzitet Crne Gore - Institut za biologiju mora Institute of Marine Biology (Montenegro).
The Platform has recently been updated with new contents concerning specifically:
- the presentation of Tricase laboratory in Apulia (Italy);
- a document on Good Practices received from the Montenegrin Ministry.
The Platform is available at the following link: